Downtown Podiatry  

Callus & Warts on the Bottom of Foot NYC

Ingrown Toenail Swelling New York

BunionsHammertoesWartsCallusesHeel Pain Ingrown Toenail

A bunion is seen as an enlargement or “bump” on the inside of the foot near the big toe. Often, the big toe will turn and begin to point toward the second toe. Actually, a bunion forms when one of the long bones of the foot, known as the first metatarsal, becomes dislocated toward the other foot. The problem is often aggravated by narrow shoes, and a callus often forms on the side and underneath the bone and on the side of the big toe. The corrective procedure most often performed as follows: a small incision is made over the “neck” of the first metatarsal bone, and using small instruments, a small cut is made across the bone enabling the doctor to reposition the top 1/3 of the bone to a straight position.

Also, the area of the metatarsal bone where the bump was located is smoothed down. It is also necessary in most cases to “lengthen” one or more of the tendons (muscle attachments) to the big toe. In case of severe bunions, it may also be necessary to make a second cut in the bone of the big toe in order to further straighten that toe. It is usually necessary to wear a post-surgical shoe for 3 to 4 weeks after this procedure is performed with the bandage changed once a week.


Benefits of Minimally Invasive Procedure

The surgery is done through an incision the size of a small shirt button

Less trauma and faster healing time

Rapid return to shoe gear

Rapid return to activities