Downtown Podiatry  

Callus & Warts on the Bottom of Foot NYC

Ingrown Toenail Swelling New York

BunionsHammertoesWartsCallusesHeel PainIngrown Toenail

Heel pain is usually caused by acute or chronic inflammation of the plantar fascia, a ligament-like structure located on the bottom of the foot. Inflammation of the plantar fascia can be caused by heel spur or by gout, arthritis, obesity, and other local and systemic diseases.

Heel pain can frequently be treated by such conservative methods as orthotic foot supports, cortisone injections, oral anti-inflammatory medications, and weight loss, if indicated. When conservative treatment fails, surgical intervention may be necessary. In most cases, the surgical treatment can be performed minimal invasively in our modern facilities.


Benefits of Minimally Invasive Procedure

The surgery is done through an incision the size of a small shirt button

Less trauma and faster healing time

Rapid return to shoe gear

Rapid return to activities